Curriculum & Learning

Built on the pillars of wellbeing, academic growth, and vocational opportunity the Y program is built on evidence, experience, and the learnings of our fellow Y vocational schools across the country.

A student led experience

At the beginning of their time at the Y Community School, all students are interviewed to identify their interests, strengths, and any potential barriers they may face. This information is used to create a personalised student profile. With the guidance of school staff, each student develops an individual learning plan (ILP) tailored to their goals. Within the school’s range of qualifications, students can choose areas of learning that align with their passions and ambitions. This flexible approach helps them build skills and pursue pathways that lead to positive futures, fostering both personal and academic growth.

student and teacher talking and taking notes

Victorian Pathways Certificate

The recently developed Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) provides an entry point back into education for students at year 10 and above who have had disruptions or significant gaps in their learning. The course develops foundation skills in literacy, numeracy, workplace skills and personal development through applied learning. It includes opportunities for vocational course offerings and workplace learning preparing students for further education and employment.

students in study group

VCE Vocational Major

The VCE Vocational Major offers a pathway for students to attain their VCE with a vocational focus, students at years 10, 11 & 12 who have the required foundation skill base and motivation on entering the school can enrol directly into the VCE VM.

Otherwise, students who have completed the VPC and wish to continue their studies can continue on into the VCE VM. This VCE qualification includes literacy, numeracy, workplace skills, personal development and a Certificate 2 level (or above) Vocational Education qualification.  Students who complete the VCE VM are able to progress to further education or into the workplace with a solid skill base and completed VCE Certificate enabling a range of options.

students in study group

Vocational Education

The school will partner with registered training organisations to give students access to accredited and pre-accredited training in areas of interest. Students working towards the VPC can gain credit for Certificate 1 level training and vocational short courses. Students in the VCE VM can gain credit towards their qualification though Certificate II or III courses available through the VET In Schools arrangements.

Smiling YMCA staff member using the coffee machine.